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size 14 X 28

Boxing Day Sale 50% off James Lumbers Prints Limited Quantities 416-291-1971

$122.50 LTO

On a cold, bright, windless night the swish of the sleighs runners approached the Toll House. The gatekeeper reluctantly pulled on his overcoat and left the comfort of his fireside to collect the toll from the horse drawn sled. There was almost always an exchange of greetings, as people passed by. The gatekeeper was the main source of information as to where hazards might lay along the way.

Toll roads were common in Europe long ago and the tradition carried on here in North America as a way of raising money to maintain the roads of the day. They were usually located near the entrance of a town or hamlet. Wagons and stagecoaches alike stopped to pay the required toll.

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© Z.Art Gallery Inc.416-291-1971

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